The first pathway of 490 years
It is very important to understand that the first pathway to a complete 490 years begins with Ezra and not Nehemiah. The decree to rebuild Jerusalem pertains to the spiritual Jerusalem which relates to re-establishing God's Law to His people not the physical city.
The following is an excerpt from Harold Camping's book, The 70 weeks of Daniel 9:
Ezra went to Jerusalem to build a city, that is, to reestablish the law,
in the year 458 B.C. Christ hung on the cross in A.D. 33. If we add 458 to 33,
the sum is 491. Subtract 1 from 491 (there is no year 0), and we have
490 actual years from the going forth of the command to rebuild the
city to the time of the cross when Christ demonstrated he He brought
in everlasting righteousness, when He made reconciliation for iniq-
uity, when He finished the transgression. God put His seal on the
vision and prophecy at the cross. And 490 years equals 70 weeks; that
is, 70 x 7 = 490. Immediately we see the precise fulfillment of Daniel
Although the Cross begins the end in 33A.D., it is'nt until 40 days later that the whole prophesy comes to completion with Jesus' ascension.
There are a wonderful 490 years from the year 458B.C. when the decree went out to rebuild Jerusalem until the Cross and Jesus' ascension in 33A.D. .