The Lord has now allowed us to understand the dates of people and events that occurred within the Old Testament. Below are a few examples.
Creation - 11,013BC
Adam is created on friday
Seth is born - 10,883BC
Enosh is born - 10,778BC
Kenan is born - 9873BC
Mahalaleel is born - 8963BC
Jared is born - 8068BC
Enoch is born - 7106BC
*Enoch is raptured - 6741BC
Methuselah is born - 6741BC
Lamech is born - 5772BC
Noah is born - 5590BC
*The Flood - 4990BC
Shem died 502 years after the Flood
and Arphaxad is born - 4488BC
Shelah is born - 4050BC
Eber is born - 3617BC
Peleg is born - 3153BC
Reu is born- 2914BC
Serug is born - 2675BC
Nahor is born - 2445BC
Terah is born - 2297BC
Abram is born to Terah - 2167BC
Abraham is circumcised - 2068BC
Isaac is born to Abraham - 2067BC
Jacob is born to Isaac - 2007BC
Joseph stands before pharoah - 1886BC
*Jacob's great tribulation begins - 1879BC
*Jacob is commanded to leave Canaan - 1877BC
*The Israelites leave Egypt - 1447BC
The Israelites enter the Promised Land - 1407BC
The first 50 year Jubilee - 1357BC
Saul is made king - 1047BC
David is made king - 1007BC
Solomon is made king - 971BC
The temple foundation is started - 967BC
Rehoboam is made king - 931BC
Israel is split into 2 nations - 931/930BC
Elijah kills the 2 captains with their 50 with fire - 853BC
*Elijah is raptured in a chariot of fire - 849BC
The 10 Tribes of Israel cease to exist - 709BC
*Judah's great tribulation begins - 609BC
*Judaens are commanded to leave Judah - 587BC
*Judah is freed from Babylon - 539BC
The Old Testament is finished - 391BC
John the Baptist's birth is announced - 8BC
Jesus Christ is born - 7BC
Jesus begins His preaching at His baptism - 29AD
*Jesus Christ is Crucified - 33AD
The Romans destroy the Temple and Jerusalem - 70AD
Israel becomes a nation once again - 1948
*This Final Great Tribulation begins - 1988
*The Elect are commanded to leave the Church - 1994
* Judgment Day - May 21, 2011
*The Great Multitude are Raptured - 2025