2011JudgmentDay.com - Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Earth - 2009-2012 / 2018-2025

* 15 proofs pointing to 2025
  Printable proof graphic layouts
  These 5100 Days
  The 1600 Furlongs
  The strange number 8765
  The exact # 5113.3908 
  Paul's 14 nights = our 14 years
  Jerusalem rebuilt = 490 years
  Two pathways separated by 1992
  Physical destruction after 37 years
  The Church's/Temple's 1,955 years
  "This Generation" comes to an end
  The sum of 539 & 7 months
  2 salvation prophesies @ 77 years
  The #37 only appears at the end
  The Feast of Tabernacles/153 days
  History repeats itself graph/1955
  Total Timeline graph coming soon

* Facts concerning this GT
  All 3 GT's = 100 = Completeness
  All 3 GT's = 539 & 7 months
  All 3 GT's = 153 = God's people
  All 3 GT's = 69 = Balanced equality
  "This Generation"
  The Church's/Temple's 1955 years
  Physical destruction after 37 years
  2 salvation prophesies @ 77 years
  The dates 1988 & 1994 reversed

* Great Tribulation 3rd Part
  Captives during the 2 part GT
  5100 hours/5100 days/5100 months
  The exact number 5113.3908
  All 3 GT's finalize with a Harvest Feast

* The strange number 8765
  Noah's Flood = 8765 hours
  Enoch's rapture until 2025 = 8765 years
  8400 GT + Noah's 365 day Flood = 8765
  There are 3 human raptures
  There are 3 judgments by water
  There are 3 great tribulations
* The number 37
  Noah's Flood ended with 370 days
  Jehoiachin's imprisonment ended 37 years
  Jonah's journey ended with 37 days
  Jesus' journey ended with 37 days
  The Temple was destroyed after 37 years
  The Church will be destroyed @ 37 years
  Our FGT will end on it's 37th year
  Creation will end on its 13,037th year

* Ecclesiastes 12
  Evil days = this Final Great Tribulation
  Grinders (Elect) cease because are few
  The mourners = the Elect in the streets
  The silver cord is unleashed = Rapture

* Daniel's  490 years (2 pages)
  King Artaxerxe's command until 33A.D.
  Sultan Suleiman's command until 2025
  Decrees of two heathen kings = 1992 years
  Decrees of two Holy Kings = 1992 years

* Psalm 90
  " turnest man to destruction" = 2300 Days
  The 1,000 years = the 6100 Days
  "... as with a flood". = Judgment Day (M21)
  "by thy wrath are we troubled" = 5100 Days
  We finish our years in quiet speech
  "This Generation" = 80 years - then we fly
  "Teach us to number ours days - we'll know

* Seven Sevenfold - 70x7=490
   Lamech's arrogant self protection
   Jesus' declaration of forgiveness
   The End of transgression in 2025

* Two tribulations within our GT?
  Our Final Great Tribulation has 3 parts
  The 1st & 2nd parts = a great tribulation
  The 3rd part = a 2nd great tribulation
  8400 Days = no salvation within Church
  5100 Days = no salvation worldwide
  Matthew 24:21 = extreme great tribulation
The author
This website contains comprehensive interlocking studies authored by Larry Pytlarz

The countdown
The countdown that is located in the top right corner is counting down to the very last minute of May 7th, 2025. It is based on the International Date Line when/where each day begins for the planet Earth. Once the countdown reaches 0, that means the date of May 7th all accross the Earth has come to completion no matter where you are located.
40 years of warning!
  40 years between each kingdom transition
  40 years before Jacob's family ceases
  40 years before national Israel ceases
  40 years before the Church Age ceases

* The number 144
  Old World Individuals = 1440 months
  Nation with Priests = 1440 years
  Church Congregation = 144,000
  Great Multitude = 144,000 cubits wall

* The Seven Seals in Revelation
  They represent different time periods
  Seals 1-4: Church Age thru Rapture
  Seal 5: The 2300 Days within Church
  Seal 6: 144,000/Great Multitude/M21
  Seal 7: The full 37 year Great Tribulation
* The 4 colored horses in Judah's GT

* Elijah's 4-part salvation timeline
  Our GT timeline matches Elijah's
  Each part consists of 3.5 years!
  3.5 years of drought within Israel
  3.5 years of rain within Israel
  3.5 years of waiting within Israel

* Psalm 102
  A prayer of the afflicted
  "thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down"
  "...written for the generation to come."
  "... the people which shall be created"
  "... he shortened my days"
  "... and they shall be changed"
  The children of thy servants shall continue

* The year Jesus was born
  The reign of King Herod in Judaea
  King Herod kills all male children under 2
  King Herod died in the year 4B.C.
  Herod's son Archelaus reigns till mid 6B.C.
  Jesus finally goes to Jerusalem at age 12
  The birth of John the Baptist in April
  The year 7B.C. was a 50 Year Jubilee
  The Day of Atonement - October 2 of 7B.C.
  The 1st enrollment census of 7B.C./6B.C.
* God's plan/purpose = the #3
  A large number of examples of the #3
  Three groups of God's people = 153
  Three GT's that have three parts
  All 3 GT's 3rd parts equal the #153
* Daniel's 1,335 days (4 pages)
* Daniel Page
  Satan exploits the Church (2300 Days)
  Michael (Jesus) makes a stand (6100 Days)
  Sealed up until these End Times
  Wonders cease after Final Great Tribulation
  Verse 10 begins the 1600 Furlongs
  1,290 "days" = the time between the GTs
  Resting at the End of the "1,335 days"
  1,335 days = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
* Jesus Page
  1,335 days = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
  Each part is marked with the #'s 3, 3.5 or 37
  Each part has alternating times of testimony
  Jesus' 40 days after the Cross
  3 nonconsecutive days ending with 37
* Jonah's Page
  Jonah a prophet, man of God
  Each part marked by the #'s 3, 3.5 or 37
  Three days within the fish - no testimony
  Three days of preaching - testimony
  Thirty seven days of waiting outside city
  Nineveh receives the promise of citizenship
* Church Page
  1,335 "days" = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
  Each part is marked with the #'s 3.5 or 37
  Each part has alternating times of testimony
  Jesus' time of ascension matches Rapture
  Both end with Pentecost/Tabernacles

* White Robes are given
  Church Age Elect are given White Robes
  Great Multitude Elect are given White Robes
  White Robes represent righteous clothing

* Hell - An actual place
  Three Greek words translated as "hell"
  One Greek word means under God's wrath
  Two Greek words mean the place of Hell
  Jesus went to Hell after being crucified
  Hell is surrounding the physical earth
  Hell will be ultimately be destroyed


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This website was developed for easy navigation to find the specific topic you are looking for.
Our Final Great Tribulation began in 1988 and will end in 2025. Under each of the dates are proofs.
Click on each of the proofs for a simple explanation. For a deeper study search the topics below the scrolls.
* God's people escape the furnace
  The Israelites come out of the furnace
  The Judeans come out of the furnace
  The Elect come out of the furnace

* The Devil is Destroyed twice
  The Devil "destroyed" at the Cross
  The sixth head wounded to death
  The Devil "destroyed" at Judgment Day
  His body cast to the burning flame
* 3 Great Tribulation kings die
  ...his body destroyed/given to the flame
  God's people under servitude
  God's people leave the holy land
  Captivity ends with the death of the king
  The 2 part period of the GT's end

* The 10 Virgins - a deeper look
  5 were Elect and 5 were not
  Judgment Day - a false assumption
  Midnight - the call goes out
  The marriage Feast/Tabernacles Feast

* The word "stadio" (furlong)
  A free man is worthy of his work
  ... they which run in a race (stadio)
  Running the race to receive our crown
  Keeping our bodies under subjection
  A furlong (stadio) is a measurement
  A race (stadio) is a timed measurement

* God's 4 part salvation plan
  One salvation plan/4 parts
  The numbers 3 & 3 1/2 are equal
  The number 37 = an ending period
  Alternating periods of testimony
  Many ways to represent the number 3 1/2

* Patterns in Biblical History
  A precise pictorial representation
  A 4 part process + receiving the Promise

* The number 84
  It represents affliction/tribulation
  Anna's 84 years of affliction
  Jacob's 84 months of tribulation
  Jacob's GT ends in Aaron's 84th year
  Judah's 840 months of tribulation
  Our FGT's 8400 Days of tribulation
  The 2 Witnesses' 3 1/2 Days = 84 hrs
  The 84 generations of Matthew

* Can we know the Day? (5 pages)
* Elijah's rapture
  Traveled to 3 locations (God's plan)
  The number 51 = the 1/3 of the 153
  They all knew the day of his rapture
  But not the hour (unexpectedly taken)
  They were all in a single time zone 
* The 10 Virgins
  The false assumption of His coming
  Judgment Day began the night
  Additional information at Midnight
  Extended period after Midnight
  Cannot know the day nor hour
* The Homeowner
  No created being knows the day/hour
  Meat in due season (after M21)
  The Elect can know in what watch
* Paul's shipwreck
  Additional information at Midnight
  The Elect can know what watch
  The Elect can know what year
* Time no longer
  No one knows what 7 thunders utter
  Can't know what is written in Little Book
  Little Book contains the "Day and Hour"
  "... that there should be time no longer"
  The conclusion to all 5 page studies

* The number 153 - God's people
  Elijah's destruction of the first 51
  Elijah's destruction of the second 51
  Elijah's mercy of the third 51
  The Church Age and the 153 fishes
  The 3rd part of each great tribulation
  God's people waiting to go home

* The #77 = Fulfillment of Salvation
  Yeshuah appears 77 times in the OT
  Jesus is the 77th generation in Luke
  There are 77 years in John's prophesy
  There are 77 years in Israel's prophesy
  This Final Generation equals 77 years
* Babylon has fallen!
  Judah's 23 years/Church's 2300 Days
  Judah & Church become part of Babylon
  God's people are still within "Babylon"
  The killing/silencing of God's people
  The Temple vessels are taken out
  God's people are commanded out
  Jerusalem's walls are destroyed
  Walls fall at Latter Rain (Rev. 14 & 18)
  Walls fall when God's people leave

* The Great Winepress
  The 144,000 are killed/silenced
  The Great Multitude of this GT
  The two harvests of Judgment Day
  New wine created in the winepress
  There is a whole herd of horses
  1600 furlongs = 1600 weeks

* Acts 27 - Paul's journey
  Authority of Julius = Jesus
  The 1st ship in calm waters = 6100 Days
  The 2nd ship in bad waters = 5100 Days
  Paul & Aristarchus = 2 Witnesses in Rev.
  Slow sailing many days = a time of tarrying
  ... sailing was dangerous during the winter
  No sun nor stars for many days appeared
  They deemed land was close at midnight
  Paul's 14 nights = our final 14 dark years
  Grounded at 15 fathoms = Noah's 15 cubits
  Waiting & fasting for 14 days / 14 years
  Paul's ship carried 276 souls = 276 months
  Headed towards land at day break

* Matthew 24 - A deeper look
  Jesus describes 5 periods of time
  A total New Testament overview
  Total Great Tribulation overview
  The 1600 Furlongs period overview
  From 1948 until the Rapture overview
  These final 5100 Days overview

* Satanic Entities (6 pages)
* The Dragon page
   Hebrew & Greek definitions
   Biblical OT & NT symbolism
   Dragon = Heathen king
   Great Red Dragon = kingdom
   3 Dragon kings / 3 great tribulations  
* The First & Second Beast page
   The Church is cast into the sea
   First Beast arises from the sea
   First Beast is Satan's kingdom
   The 10 crowned horns = kings
   Satan's congregation take over
   Satan is cast into the earth
   Second Beast arises from the earth
   Second Beast is Satan as king
   Second Beast has horns of a lamb
   Spake as a dragon = authority
   Exercised the First Beast's power
   Only the Second Beast had deception
* The Image of the Beast page
   Who's image is it of?
   The Second Beast gives it speach
   The Second Beast gives it life
   It is the false christ/Antichrist
   It is not cast into the Lake of Fire
* The False Prophet page
   Who is the False Prophet?
   Is it man or spirit?
   It does the deceiving!
   The Holy Spirit / evil spirit
* Satanic Entities chart page
   The Dragon
   The Great Red Dragon
   The First & Second Beast
   The seventh head/seventh kingdom
   The Ten crowned horns
   The king of the kingdom
   The Image of the Beast
   The False Prophet
   The Satanic trinity
* Comparison of Satan's 3 Beasts page
   The Great Red Dragon
   The First & Second Beast
   The Scarlet Colored Beast

* Patriarchal Calendar System
  The ancients kept time
  From Creation until the Exodus
  The phrase "called his name"
  God gave us proof of 430 years
  We now know precise dates
Abbreviations that are
used within this website:

GT = Great Tribulation
FGT = Final Great Tribulation
M21 = May 21, 2011
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