40 years between each kingdom transition
40 years before Jacob's family ceases
40 years before national Israel ceases
40 years before the Church Age ceases
Old World Individuals = 1440 months
Nation with Priests = 1440 years
Church Congregation = 144,000
Great Multitude = 144,000 cubits wall
They represent different time periods
Seals 1-4: Church Age thru Rapture
Seal 5: The 2300 Days within Church
Seal 6: 144,000/Great Multitude/M21
Seal 7: The full 37 year Great Tribulation
* The 4 colored horses in Judah's GT
Our GT timeline matches Elijah's
Each part consists of 3.5 years!
3.5 years of drought within Israel
3.5 years of rain within Israel
3.5 years of waiting within Israel
A prayer of the afflicted
"thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down"
"...written for the generation to come."
"... the people which shall be created"
"... he shortened my days"
"... and they shall be changed"
The children of thy servants shall continue
The reign of King Herod in Judaea
King Herod kills all male children under 2
King Herod died in the year 4B.C.
Herod's son Archelaus reigns till mid 6B.C.
Jesus finally goes to Jerusalem at age 12
The birth of John the Baptist in April
The year 7B.C. was a 50 Year Jubilee
The Day of Atonement - October 2 of 7B.C.
The 1st enrollment census of 7B.C./6B.C.
A large number of examples of the #3
Three groups of God's people = 153
Three GT's that have three parts
All 3 GT's 3rd parts equal the #153
* Daniel Page
Satan exploits the Church (2300 Days)
Michael (Jesus) makes a stand (6100 Days)
Sealed up until these End Times
Wonders cease after Final Great Tribulation
Verse 10 begins the 1600 Furlongs
1,290 "days" = the time between the GTs
Resting at the End of the "1,335 days"
1,335 days = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
* Jesus Page
1,335 days = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
Each part is marked with the #'s 3, 3.5 or 37
Each part has alternating times of testimony
Jesus' 40 days after the Cross
3 nonconsecutive days ending with 37
* Jonah's Page
Jonah a prophet, man of God
Each part marked by the #'s 3, 3.5 or 37
Three days within the fish - no testimony
Three days of preaching - testimony
Thirty seven days of waiting outside city
Nineveh receives the promise of citizenship
* Church Page
1,335 "days" = 4-part salvation plan + Feast
Each part is marked with the #'s 3.5 or 37
Each part has alternating times of testimony
Jesus' time of ascension matches Rapture
Both end with Pentecost/Tabernacles
Church Age Elect are given White Robes
Great Multitude Elect are given White Robes
White Robes represent righteous clothing
Three Greek words translated as "hell"
One Greek word means under God's wrath
Two Greek words mean the place of Hell
Jesus went to Hell after being crucified
Hell is surrounding the physical earth
Hell will be ultimately be destroyed